
Embryologists – the wizards behind the curtain

Time of publication: 2 months ago

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Embryologists – the wizards behind the curtain

Embarking on a career as an embryologist can take many paths, each as unique as the individuals who pursue them. One inspiring example is the journey of Trisha Pynten who began her career in agriculture before moving into an ART setting. We have asked Trisha how she became an embryologist and what she likes the most about her role.

Graphic with informaton about guest blogger Trisha Pynten


“ I believe embryologists are the wizards behind the curtain.”
Trisha Pynten –  Junior Embryologist, Senior Andrologist * 

* Disclaimer: my opinions and ideas are my own and are not a reflection of where I am currently employed or of my employer.



Trisha told us that her early work in an agricultural setting allowed her to hone her skills in the science of animal embryology which laid a strong foundation for her future endeavors.

Trisha’s passion for the field and a desire to make a broader impact led her to explore new horizons. With determination, she transitioned into the world of human IVF, demonstrating that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.


About me

I am Trisha Pynten and I am currently working as a Junior Embryologist. My undergrad education was in Animal Bioscience, I went into that program intending to get into Vet school.


My previous job

My application got rejected 3 times, after which I saw a job opening for a bovine genetics lab technician. I applied and got the position which turned out to be an embryologist job. I got to work with cattle alongside a veterinarian and learn all about embryology; a new and exciting field that was only mentioned for 15 minutes in a lecture during my undergrad education.

Working that cattle embryologist job cultivated my passion for IVF lab work while at the same time exposing me to individuals with an excitement to learn and leadership over management mentality.


What inspired me to pursue a position in an IVF lab?

After 2 years of work experience with cattle, I wanted to challenge myself and apply my skills to the human side of IVF.

I applied to an entry-level andrology position for a new clinic and assisted in the set-up and construction of the laboratory. This was a great experience to learn the regulations of human ART.


Becoming an IVF embryologist

After a year of work. I decided to further my education with a Masters in Embryology, I got an acceptance letter a few weeks before COVID hit.

While the world was shut down I studied for my Masters in Clinical Embryology and right before I graduated I got another opportunity to assist in the set-up of another new ART lab.


What are my goals for the future?

My goals for the future are to first master all aspects of an embryologist’s role in the lab. Later I would like to move on to a leadership role.


My long-term aspirations

I aspire to encourage others to enter this career because I believe embryologists are the wizards behind the curtain to many people’s hopes and dreams of building a family.


Embarking on a career in embryology presents many fulfilling opportunities. Regardless of whether your background is in animal science or another discipline, dedication, and passion can pave the way for a successful transition into this essential and impactful field. For those exploring a career in embryology, keep in mind that the potential paths are numerous, and your work has the power to significantly influence the lives of countless individuals.



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